Shi-Fan - Rice Porridge - Congee (Water and Rice)

(Congee with Eggs and Chanterelles)

You can top the rice porridge with anything. I like to top it off with scallions, soy sauce and a couple drops of sesame oil. Enjoy!


  • 1 cup leftover or cooked rice

  • 1 cup water or chicken stock

  • 3 slices ginger (if you want to get fancy, slice again to make long thin julienne sticks)

  • 1 scallion chopped for garnish (you can save any for more congee tomorrow)

  • 1 egg

  • Maitake or Chanterelle mushrooms (optional)

  • Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt

  • Soy sauce

  • Sesame oil


  1. Combine the rice, water (or chicken stock), ginger and optional clove of garlic in a pot. Bring to a boil and then simmer. Stir frequently as to not have the rice stick to the bottom. Add more liquid if needed. Once the rice comes together, add salt and white pepper to taste. 

  2. Serve with an over easy egg or scramble. Add soy sauce and a couple drops of sesame oil. Garnish with scallions.


Can also be served with almost any protein, vegetable or whatever you feel like eating. Cause you know. It’s rice. :)


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